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CV1385 CRT

Size This CRT measures 420x160mm overall and has a B12D base

This CRT has electrostatic deflection and focusing and is suitable for either symmetrical or asymmetrical voltages.

Heater voltage 4V
Heater current 1A
Max final anode voltage 5kV
X plate sensitivity 620/Va3 mm/V
Y plate sensitivity 1160/Va3 mm/V
Typical operating conditions
Final anode voltage 3kV
Second anode voltage 475V
First anode voltage 2kV
Beam current 15µA


Pin Function Pin Function
1 Grid 7 Internal coating
2 Cathode 8 Y2
3 Heater 9 X2
4 Heater 10 Anode 3
5 Anode 1 11 X1
6 Anode 2 12 Y1




Manufacturers were free to strap A3 to the internal coating if they wished, in which case the connection to pin 7 was omitted.

Looking at the screen with the base spigot uppermost, a +ve voltage on X1 will deflect the spot left and a +ve on Y1 will deflect it upwards.


Quarter view