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CV1522 CRT

Size This CRT measures 162x38mm overall and has a British 9 pin base.

This is an electrostatic deflection CRT suitable for symmetrical deflection.

Heater voltage 4V
Heater current 1.1A
Max final anode voltage 1kV
X-plate sensitivity 100/Va3 mm/V
Y-plate sensitivity 100/Va3 mm/V
Typical operating conditions
Final anode voltage 800V
Second anode voltage 135V
First anode voltage 800V
Beam current 2 to 4µA


Pin Function
1 X1
2 Y1
3 Second anode
4 Heater and cathode
5 Heater
6 Grid
7 First and final anodes
8 Y2
9 X2

The CRT should carry a grading according to the values of the deflection plate sensitivity. These are marked as Xx Yx where x is as follows:

Marking Plate sensitivity mm/V/Va3
L 70 to 80
A > 80 <= 90
B > 90 <= 100
C > 100 <= 110
D > 110 <= 120

The CV1522 shown is marked XB YB



Quarter view Bottom quarter view