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CV1862 / 6AQ5 beam tetrode

Size This valve measures 66x17mm overall and has a B7G base.

See also CV4019.

Heater voltage 6.3V
Heater current 450mA
Max anode voltage 275V
Max screen voltage 275V
Max anode dissipation 13.2W
Max screen dissipation 2.2W
Mutual conductance * 4.1mA/V
Anode impedance * 52k ohms
Capacitances (without metal screen)
Cge 7.6pF
Cae 6.0pF
Cag 0.35pF

*: At Va=Vg2=250; Vg3=0; Vg1=-12.5.

Pin Function
1 Control grid
2 Cathode and beam plates
3 Heater
4 Heater
5 Anode
6 Screen grid
7 Control grid