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CV2130 transmitting tetrode

Size This valve measures 133x62mm overall and has a 5 pin base.


Filament voltage 5V
Filament current 6.5A
Max anode voltage 3kV
Max screen voltage 600V
Max anode dissipation 125W
Max screen dissipation 20W
Max control grid dissipation 5W
Max DC control grid voltage -500V
Max DC anode current 225mA
Mutual conductance 2.45mA/V
Inner amplification factor 6.2
Max anode top cap temperature 220C

The above ratings are for Class C telegraphy. Forced air cooling is required at frequencies above 30MHz.


Pin Function
1 Filament
2 Screen grid
3 Control grid
4 Screen grid
5 Filament
TC Anode