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Ericsson CV2325 / GS10C/S decade selector tube

Size This tube measures 78x30mm overall and has a 12 pin base with a centre connector.


Max counting speed 4000 digits/second
Max striking voltage 400V
Min anode current 250µA
Max anode current 550µA
Nominal maintaining voltage at 300µA 192V
Max potential difference between guides and cathodes 140V
Signal pulse amplitude 145V
Min pulse duration 50µs
Min quiescent period 200µs
Guide bias 36V
Sinewave amplitude, second guide 55V RMS
Phase advance, first guide 45 degrees


Pin Function
1 Cathode 0
2 Cathode 9
3 Cathode 8
4 Cathode 7
5 Cathode 6
6 Cathode 5
7 Cathode 4
8 Cathode 3
9 Cathode 2
10 Cathode 1
11 Second guides
12 First guides
Bottom cap Anode


Top quarter view Bottom quarter view