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CV2371 RF pentode

Size This valve measures 36x9x6mm overall and has a 5 lead B5A base.

This is a RF pentode. See also CV5961 which is a selected version of this valve.

Filament voltage 1.25V
Filament current 25mA
Max anode voltage 100V
Max screen voltage 100V
Anode current * 1.7mA
Screen current * 0.45mA
Mutual conductance * 0.95mA/V
Anode impedance * 1.6M ohms
Ca,g1 max 0.01pF
Cout nom 3.6pF
Cin nom 3.1pF

*: At Va=Vg2=67.5, Vg1=0.

Lead 1 is indicated by a red dot on the side of the valve.

Lead Function
1 Anode
2 Screen grid
3 Filament -ve and metallising
4 Control grid
5 Filament +ve and suppressor grid
Quarter view