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CV265 damping diode

Size This valve measures 98x34mm overall and has an octal base


Heater voltage 4V
Heater current 2A
Short pulse peak inverse voltage (1µs pulse at prf of 1200 per sec) 4kV
Fault pulse peak inverse voltage (1µs pulse at prf of 1200 per sec, for a maximum of 50 milliseconds) 5.5kV
Maximum peak current (1µs pulse at prf of 1200 per sec) 15A
Maximum anode dissipation 5W
Typical operating conditions
Peak anode current 12A
Anode dissipation 3.5W
DC resistance at 12A peak current 36 ohms


Pin Function
1 n/c
2 Heater
3 n/c
4 n/c
5 n/c
6 n/c
7 Heater
8 n/c
TC Anode

The cathode is connected to the mid point of the heater.


top quarter bottom quarter