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CV2798 RF double beam tetrode suitable for use up to 225MHz

Size This valve measures 78x20mm overall and has a B9A base.


Heater voltage 6.3/12.6V
Heater current 830/420mA
Max anode voltage 300V
Max anode dissipation 2x 5W
Max screen voltage 200V
Max screen dissipation 2x 1W
Max control grid current 2x 3mA
Max control grid dissipation 200mW
Max cathode current 2x 50mA
Max peak cathode current 2x 225mA
Max control grid voltage -150V
Max heater-cathode voltage 100V


Pin Function
1 Control grid '
2 Cathode
3 Control grid "
4 Heater
5 Heater
6 Anode '
7 Screen grids
8 Anode "
9 Heater centre tap
