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CV386 pentode

This valve measures 28x9mm overall and has a 5 leads fitted on an 8-lead base *

*: The EVS datasheet for this valve shows three possible constructions - the 'wafer base' as this example has, a tubular construction with a flat pinch with 5 leads inline, and a US type rectangular section bulb, again with 5 leads inline.

Filament voltage0.625V
Nominal filament current25.0mA
Max anode voltage45.0V
Max screen voltage45.0V
Mutual conductance *0.18mA/V
Anode impedance *500kΩ
Optimal anode load1.0MΩ
Nominal voltage gain *35.0

*: At Va=Vg2=30, Vg1=0.
1no lead
2Control grid
3no lead
4Filament -ve and suppressor grid
5Filament +ve
6no lead
8Screen grid

The above table shows the leads for the wafer base type construction. Other construction styles have the 5 leads arranged as filament -ve + suppressor grid, control grid, filament +ve, screen grid, and anode, the anode lead being marked with a red dot.
