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Chelmer CV4069 reliable double triode

Size This valve measures 54x19mm overall and has a 9 lead (B9A/F) base.


This valve was based on the CV2212. See also CV4068 which is the pinned version. This valve has had wires soldered onto the pins and it has been relabelled CV4069, presumably from a CV4068.

Heater voltage 6.3/12.6V
Heater current 600/300mA
Max operating anode voltage 300V
Max anode voltage (Ia=0) 550V
Max anode dissipation (per side) 5W
Max heater - cathode voltage 200V
Max peak cathode current 35mA
Max negative grid voltage -75V
Max shock (short duration) 500g
Max acceleration (continuous operation) 2.5g
Mutual conductance * 2.3mA/V
Amplification factor * 32
Capacitances (per side, in close fitting metal screen)
Cin nom 2.2pF
Cout nom 2.0pF
Ca, g nom 1.9pF
Ca1, a2 0.46pF


Lead Function
1 Anode "
2 Grid "
3 Cathode "
4 Heater
5 Heater
6 Anode '
7 Grid '
8 Cathode '
9 Heater centre tap