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CV456 hydrogen thyratron

This valve measures 250x100mm overall and has 3 leads

This is a hydrogen thyratron intended for use as a gas modulator. The valve carries the markings CV456 KB/W and No. R271 - which is also carried on a tag inside the valve.

Filament voltage2.5V
Filament current27.5A
Normal peak anode voltage *10 to 15kV
Normal peak anode current *160A
Min trigger pulse voltage220V
Min trigger pulse length4µs

*: At a repetition frequency of 500pps, pulse length 0.6 to 2µs, load resistance of 37.5 ohms, approx rate of rise of pulse from 10% of max value to 90% of max value:- 600A/µs. The trigger pulse should be 4µs long at the 220V (or higher) level. The source impedance of the trigger pulse generator should be as low as possible and should not exceed 5k ohms.
