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CV484 / 3S4 power amplifier pentode

Size This valve measures 54x17mm overall and has a B7G base.

See also CV820 which also carries the 3S4 marking.

Filament voltage 1.4/2.8V
Filament current 100/50mA
Max anode voltage 100V
Max screen voltage 75V
Mutual conductance * 1.5mA/V
Anode impedance * 100k ohms
Screen current * 1.4mA
Max cathode current 13.0mA
*: At Va=90, Vg2=67.5, Vg1=-7.


Pin Function
1 Filament -ve **
2 Anode
3 Control grid
4 Screen grid
5 Suppressor grid, filament centre tap **
6 Anode
7 Filament +ve
**: Pin 1 is fil -ve for Vf=2.8V, pin 5 is fil -ve for Vf=1.4V when pins 1 and 7 are fil +ve.
CV484 / 3S4