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CV5403 / N1033 travelling wave tube

This valve measures 460x55mm overall, 10mm across the stem. It has 5 pins.

Main field current7.0A
Main field550 Gauss
Heater voltage6.3V
Heater current730mA
Grid 1 voltage-51V
Grid 2 voltage2.6kV
Grid 2 current0.02mA
Helix current at VHX=21500.2mA
Max power output for 1mW input and 2.1kV
helix voltage
Saturated output power for 4.7mW input
and 2.18kV helix voltage
Noise factor28dB
Low level gain37dB
Collector voltage1.4kV
Collector current24mA
Frequency range3.8 to 4.8GHz

CV5403 / N1033