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CV6090 / W9/2E travelling wave tube

This tube measures 385x25mm overall (9mm across the neck) and has a B9A base.

The following is test data that came with this TWT:

Frequency 3.3GHz
Heater voltge 5V
Heater current 480mA
Grid 1 voltage -2.5V
Grid 2 voltage 34V
Grid 3 voltage 123V
Grid 4 voltage 202V
Helix voltage 400V
Collector voltage 600V
Helix current 0.82µA
Collector current 0.4mA
Gain at -50dBm input 39.3db
Noise factor 8.49db
Max power output 9mW
Attenuation >75db

Quarter view
Electron gun end
Gun detail