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CV6223 power travelling wave tube

Heater voltage6.3V
Max heater surge current3A
Min operating range2.7 to 3.3GHz
Min high level gain26.0db
Min low level gain28.0db
Min peak power output250W
Max pulse length20.0µs
Max duty cycle0.005
Max negative cathode voltage with respect to anode, helix and collector strapped7.5kV
Max peak anode current200mA
Max peak helix current250mA
Max mean helix current1mA
Max peak cathode current1.5A
Nom magnetic field800 gauss
Min water flow1 litre/min
Max outlet water temperature50°C

1Heater / cathode
Fly leadCollector
Rather odd metalwork at the base
I/O connections
Coolant connections