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CV72 output tetrode

Size This valve measures 135x50mm overall and has a 7-pin base


Heater voltage 6.3V
Heater current 1.65A
Max anode voltage 1.5kV
Max peak anode voltage 3kV
Max screen voltage 700V
Max anode dissipation 10W
Max screen dissipation 2.5W
Max grid negative bias 700V
Max grid to screen voltage 1.2kV
Max peak cathode current (pulse of 10µs duration and 400:1 minimum off-on ratio) 3.5A
Mutual conductance (Va=Vg2=200V, Ia=40mA) 8.7mA/V
Ca - all 6.7pF
Cg - all 23.5pF
Cag 0.8pF


Pin Function
1 n/c
2 Control grid
3 Screen grid
4 Heater
5 Heater
6 Cathode and beam forming plates
7 n/c
TC Anode


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