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CVX2223 / G10/241E 'Nomotron' indicator

This valve measures 64x42mm overall and has a 12 pin base with a central connector

This is a cold-cathode unidirectional counter and distributor. It has 10 cathodes which can either indicate the count visually or electrically. Holes in the anode allow the glow discharge to be viewed to provide the visual indication.

Anode-cathode breakdown voltage280V
Anode-transfer electrode breakdown voltage280V
Anode-cathode maintaining voltage (approx)180V
Cathode current3.7mA
Typical operating conditions (up to 5kHz pulse repetition frequency)
HT supply voltage315 to 345V
Transfer electrode bias75V
Shield bias90V
Anode load24k ohms ± 2%
Cathode load15k ohms ± 5%
Cathode load capacitor0.005µF ± 20%
Transfer pulse amplitude120 ± 15 V
Transfer pulse width16 ± 4 µs
Cathode pulse output40V

2Cathode 0
3Cathode 9
4Cathode 8
5Cathode 7
6Cathode 6
7Cathode 5
8Cathode 4
9Cathode 3
10Cathode 2
11Cathode 1
12Transfer electrode
Base capAnode

CVX2223 / G10/241E
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