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CV2412 magnetron

Size This magnetron measures 200x110x160mm overall


This is a 4J50 but with a different frequency range. It is a packaged pulse magnetron.

The EVS sheet states: "No technical information shall appear on the valve or packaging".



Heater voltage 13.75V
Heater current 3.375A
Nominal operating frequency 9642MHz
Max voltage rate of rise 110kV/µs
Min voltage rate of rise 70kV/µs
Min cathode heating time 240s
Max anode temperature 150C
Peak anode current 27.5A 18.0A 14.5A 9.5A
Max mean power input 635W 380W 635W 380W
Max peak power input 635kW 380kW 320kW 190kW
Max duty cycle 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002
Max pulse duration 0.3 to 1.2µs 6.0µs 0.3 to 1.2µs 6.0µs



Quarter view