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Mullard ET51 / CV5277 trochotron

Size This valve measures 85x43mm overall and has a 26 pin B26A base


Heater voltage 6.3V
Heater current 300mA
Target supply voltage 200V
Target resistor 18k ohms
Output voltage across target resistor 100V
Spade supply voltage 100V
Spade resistor 100k ohms
Grid bias voltage +30V
Grid circuit resistance <10k ohms
-ve grid input pulse amplitude 75V
Voltage on all spades to clear tube 0V
Spade 0 voltage to reset tube 0V
Max input frequency 1MHz


Pin Function Pin Function
1 Spade 0 14 Spade 2
2 Target 9 15 Target 1
3 Target 8 16 Even switching grids
4 Odd switching grids 17 Target 0
5 Target 7 19 Spade 9
6 Spade 7 20 Spade 8
7 Target 6 21 Heater
8 Target 5 22 Spade 6
9 Spade 5 23 Spade 4
10 Target 4 24 Spade 3
11 Do not connect 25 Heater
12 Target 3 26 Spade 1
13 Target 2 27 Cathode
Above: ET51; below: ET51 which also has CV5277 stamped on the body
ET51 / CV5277
ET51 label on CV5277